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iOS Archive

Apple New iPod Touch (2015)- Price in India

Just as expected, Apple has launched New iPod Touch (2015) today in India. Adding new chipset and better cameras are the biggest change Apple has made from the previous device. Just like the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, the new iPod Touch also ...Read More

Download Periscope 1.1 for Apple iPhone, iPad

Periscope for iPhone has updated to latest version which lets you broadcast live video to the world. So it will be very simple for all Android iPhone and iPad users to discover broadcast across the world. The following app will shows the map which ...Read More

Download Hitman: Sniper for Android, iPhone, iPad

Square Enix Ltd has released all new action game, the Hitman: Sniper for both Android and iOS platform. It is a fixed positon shooting game set in beautiful Montenegro. Company already launched the game in some countries back in October 2014 and took back ...Read More